Our Vision & Mission
The Road Map is EMBARK’s employee-driven transformation plan that outlines our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Initiatives. It will serve as our guide for setting organizational priorities and will lead all employees on a journey towards cultural transformation. This journey begins with knowing where we are going (our Vision), why we exist (our Mission), and how we will get there (our Initiatives).
It is important to understand the elements of The Road Map. It consists of three Initiatives, which are shown as routes. Each route has three Strategies, which are represented by buses. The Initiatives and Strategies focus on the path and vehicle (the how) for moving EMBARK towards accomplishing our Vision. Finally, six bus stops represent the individual Projects along each route. These Projects are focused on the specific actions we will take along the journey to help us accomplish the Initiatives and propel us toward our Vision.
Our Core Values
Our values are our compass, they create clarity about what matters so we can do more of what matters most.
Being safe means we stay alert and follow rules, because we know others count on us to keep them safe.
Being there means we show up with our whole hearts – eager to learn and ready to serve our community and each other.
Being open means we keep our minds open to ideas, people and possibilities.
Being kind means we care about each other, and it shows in our words and actions.
Our Pledge
The Road Map is EMBARK’s employee-driven transformation plan that outlines our Vision, Mission, Core Values, and Initiatives. It will serve as our guide for setting organizational priorities and will lead all employees on a journey towards cultural transformation. This journey begins with knowing where we are going (our Vision), why we exist (our Mission), and how we will get there (our Initiatives).