Employee Recognition
EMBARK’s 2020 employee survey indicated management can improve in how it interacts and communicates with employees on new initiatives and policy changes. The ROADMAP took these comments seriously and developed an employee focused initiative to make EMBARK a great place to work.
The S.T.O.K. Storyteller program debuted in February 2021, giving employees a way to recognize their co-workers who exhibit EMBARK’s Core Values, Be Safe, Be There, Be Kind, and Be Open. The Peer-to-Peer recognition program has provided some positive feedback in creating an environment where we are recognizing our core values and providing the opportunity for positive feedback to each other by submitting the STOK Storyteller cards.
In July, 2021 the Employee of the Quarter/Year program, EMBARK Legends, provides an opportunity for supervisors and frontline managers to recognize the positive contributions of their employees and reinforce EMBARK’s Core Values.